You see, it was World Aids day recently, and on that day I didn't just think about the aids epidemic and people in Africa. You see, I am of a certain age. And so I started thinking about the young men, boys they were really, just graduating with me back then, and heading for the big city. It was different back then, and it was a small college, and the gay boys didn't really come out there, they waited, they waited until they were in the big city. And then they came out. But they didn't just come out, you see, they came out and they walked right into it. Completely unaware. It was the late seventies and the early eighties and they moved to New York and they moved to San Francisco and they came out and they walked right into the unknown disease.
But I didn't.
Because I didn't come out. Oh, I moved to the big city, but I didn't come out, and that's another one of those long stories, but the point is, the point is right now that I didn't come out and I didn't walk right into it. And that fact, that little story of my life, that I was there but I wasn't involved, that is one of the strangest things of my life. That I didn't come out, and I didn't walk right into it.
Now, I know a lot of gay men my age, and they came out, and they walked right into it, and they didn't get sick. And I am enormously grateful that I have them with me today. But I remember the ones that aren't still with me, some of them I remember as lost friends, but more I remember as colleagues in a community I had not yet reached. And my feelings, my thoughts, my emotions, about being there, but not being there, are very confused.
I'm troubled by that incident at my alma mater but I'm heartened by the open dialogue and the thoughtful discussion. They will figure their way through this one. It won't keep me up at night. No, if anything keeps me up at night, it will be the thought of those young men, boys they were really, just graduating back then with me, and heading for the big city.

Many of us who have survived that era have lived our own "Longtime Companion".
Happy Holidays Paul,
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